
Things to see & do near the Minamiboso-Tateyama cycling route

Tateyama Municipal Museum has a main building and Tateyama Castle. In the main building, the history
of Satomi Family who controlled Boso region for 170 years as a general of the samurai army, the history
of Tateyama City, and ancient folk materials are displayed
In the Tateyama Castle , based on the theme of famous novel of edo era "Nanso Satomi Hakkenden",
many manuscripts and many colored woodblock prints are displayed.

Phone number
Opening hours


Home page

  351-2,  Tateyama, Tateyama-city, Chiba
9am - 4:45pm
Mondays (open where a Monday falls on a national holiday or substitute national
holiday, in which case this museum will be closed on the following day)
Beginning and end of the year (December 29 to January 3)
For adults 400yen
For elementary school, junior high school & high school students 200yen
In a term during special exhibitions, an additional fee 100yen will be required.
(Price at November, 2019)
Tateyama City Office

The Tateyama Castle is located at the top of the mountain, there visitors can see the city area of Tateyama.

Going through the path of sculptures, there is a main building of the museum.